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Full day with elk counting and hunters dinner

Last Saturday, all hunting teams in Eckeroe performs a survey of the number of elks in the municipality, this is done simultaneously throughout Aaland Island to get an idea of ​​how many elk there are in total. The Åland Provincial Government has requested this and they usually try to have such an estimate done every three years. But it is now six years since last because of the (no) snow situation previous years. The day started by driving down roads in the area to see if any animal had crossed them. In Storby there were no fresh tracks anyway. Then everyone is heading out into the forest to see if there are any elk and/or elk tracks on our hunting grounds. In the Storby, the village furthest to wet on Åland, we start out in the south, three men, me east of the others. The pace is quite slow partly because of the crust under the snow that sometimes carries the weight and sometimes not. The other part is that you cannot just go straight to the North through the area but also need...

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